Transylvanian Journal Of Mathematics And Mechanics
ISSN: 2067-239X
ISSN(on-line): 2067-239X

Indexed in:
Mathematical Reviews

Front cover
Front cover

Volume 16 (2024), Number 1-2

Some Uniform Convergence Results for the Henstock-Kurzweil-Stieltjes-♦-Double Integrals of Interval-Valued Functions on Time Scales


Abstract: In this paper, we prove some uniform convergence theorems for interval Henstock-Kurzweil-Stieltjes-♦-double integrals on Time Scales. An example is included.


Periodic and Solitary Wave Solutions for a Modified Kadomtsev Petviashvili Model

Author(s): ION BICA

Abstract: Using a similar approach as Korteweg and de Vries we obtain periodic solutions expressed in terms of the Jacobi elliptic function cn for a modified Kadomtsev–Petviashvili (MKP) equation, and we will call them internal cnoidal waves. As well, we will show that internal solitary wave solutions are recovered through a limiting process after the elliptic modulus of the Jacobi elliptic function cn that describes the cnoidal waves for the MKP equation.


A Quasi-Relaxation Transforms Pair


Abstract: The functions obtained though the quasi-relaxation transforms are the extensions to a meta-stable state of the material to their creep fuction Ψ(t), and relaxation function ϕ(t), respectively, being one or other (the transform) in each case its spectral density of meta-stability. Likewise, QX{ ϕ (t) }, is Ψc(τ), the quasi-relaxation transform of ϕ(t ) and QX 1{ Ψc (τ) } is the function ϕc(t) , the anti-quasi-relaxation transform or inverse quasi-relaxation transform. Likewise are obtained these quasi-relaxation transforms pair, where in the extension of load, beyond of the stability limit of a material, can appear poles or singularities after of certain limit during the quasi-relaxation process. A short table of load functions and their corresponding quasi-relaxation transforms pair is obtained. Likewise we have the integral transforms pair Ψc(τ) =QX{ ϕ(t) }=0 ϕ(t)e tτdt ϕc(τ) =Q1X{ Ψ(τ) }= Ψ(τ)e tτdτ


Tensor Triangulated Category to a Cycles Duality in the Quantum Version of Motivic Cohomology


Abstract: We consider the tensor structure of triangulated categories in derived categories of étale sheaves with transfers. The total tensor product on the category PSL (k), is required to obtain the generalizations on derived categories using presheaves, contravariant and covariant functors on additive categories of the type (A), or A , to determine the exactness of infinite sequences of cochain complexes and resolution of spectral sequences. Further, considering all referent to a triangulated category whose motivic cohomology is a hypercohomology from the category Smk, and the implications in the geometrical motives applied to a bundle of geometrical stacks in field theory, that is to say, to the context to the category DQFT, was established a lemma that incorporates a 2-simplicial decomposition of Δ3×A1, in four triangular diagrams of derived categories from the category Smk, whose goal was evidence the tensor structure of DQFT. Now in this research, we consider a theorem that relates the hypercohomology groups obtained with the spectrum through the its singular homology taking components tr(k), and the A1 - homotopy in the action of the symmetric group on the derived category DMNis eff,(k). This finally give us a crystallographic space-time model of simplicial type from the microscopic aspects that define it, and its re-interpretation in field theory under the dualities of the hypercohomology Nisnevich groups that are the vertices in the decomposition of the space Δ3×A 1, which are equivalent to the field waves, for example gravitational waves. Then is established an isomorphism of waves and particles in the context of the category DM gm(k ). The equivalence exists in this category.


An Application of Banach’s Fixed Point Theorem in a Perturbed Metric Space to an Integral Equation


Abstract: Using the Banach’s fixed point theorem in a perturbed metric space, in this paper we present a new existence and uniqueness result for the solution of a nonlinear Fredholm integral equation. Finally, we give an example to illustrate the application of the obtained abstract result.


Algebraic Points of Low Degrees on Curves of Affine Equation y2 n=x5+1


Abstract: In this paper, we use the Chevalley-Weil theorem and the result of Schaeffer (see [5]) to determine explicitly the algebraic points of degree at most two over of the family curves of affine equations y2n=x5+ 1. This result extends the work of Schaeffer who determined the algebraic points of degree two over of the curve y2=x 5+1.


The Use of the Partial Convolution Product in the Study of Viscoelastic Rod Vibrations

Author(s): WILHELM W. KECS

Abstract: The study of viscoelastic rod vibrations leads to a class of partial differential equations, defined with the help of a linear operator having the particularity that its coefficients are related to the operator by the partial convolution product. The considered operator can describe the longitudinal, transverse and torsional vibrations of viscoelastic rods.


Harmonic Nonconvex Variational Inequalities


Abstract: In this paper, we introduce and study the harmonic nonconvex variational inequalities. The auxiliary principle technique is applied to suggest and analyze some inertial iterative schemes for solving harmonic nonconvex variational inequalities. The convergence criteria of the proposed methods is discussed. Results obtained in this paper continue to hold for various new and known classes of harmonic variational inequalities and related optimization problems. The ideas and techniques of this paper may inspire further research in various branches of pure and applied sciences.


An Econometric Analysis of the Economic Impact on Consumer Price Indices


Abstract: This study aims to test two models of multiple linear regression to determine the nature and size of the links between consumer price indices, indices of total consumer prices and indices indicating labor force, wage and labor costs. Following the application of the co-integration test, the association between the four and three macroeconomic variables was made through the cointegration equations for each model, respectively, which led to the use of the test of the vector error correction model. We believe that consumer price indices (CPI) are a way to measure inflation by covering monetary expenditure on goods and services intended for final consumption for all resident households, except institutional households, and the causal relations between wages and prices are difficult to identify, and the ability of wages to help predict future inflation is limited. Wages seem to be useful in assessing the current state of labor markets, but they are not necessarily enough to think about where the economy is going and inflation.


Statistical Trends and Economic and Demographic Consequences of External Migration in Romania


Abstract: External migration is a socio-demographic phenomenon strongly shaped by the economic and political evolution of a country. Within certain limits, migration serves as a mechanism to alleviate social frustrations, such as dissatisfaction with low incomes, unstable employment, and limited opportunities for professional and social advancement. International migration affects all nations, acting as countries of origin, transit, or destination. In 2023, approximately 200000 Romanians temporarily migrated to economically developed countries to address financial, professional, and familial needs. Of these emigrants, about 85% were aged 15–64, representing an economically active demographic also contributing to the population’s fertility rate. This study examines the impact of net average salaries on external migration and how migration influences Romania’s ageing population and workforce from 2007 to 2023. Using statistical-descriptive methods and linear regression models, it explores the relationships between the net average salary, the ageing of the active population, and the external migration rate. The findings highlight both positive and negative economic, demographic, and political effects, including labor shortages in Romania and reduced labor costs in destination countries.
